Tuesday 26 August 2014

8 more sleeps!!

That's right, 4/5!  Only 8 more sleeps until you are back in the classroom.  I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again.  The class is all ready for you to come back.  I've made a couple of changes to how it looks that I hope everyone likes. 
Here is what you have to look forward to on our first day together....

-Empty those heavy school bags!! Get all of our supplies in place and organize all of our stuff!
-Le dictionnaire des élèves.....pour vous mieux connaitre.  J'espère que vous avez pratiqué votre français pendant les vacances!
-A little bit of art to help decorate the classroom.
-La lecture avec un jeu de chaises musicales.  Fun! Fun! Fun!
-Le début des blogues.

There is no gym or music on the first day, so feel free to leave your change of clothes and music supplies at home until the second day. 

And students, try to get on to the blog before school starts!  We would all love to hear about your summer holidays.  email me if you need help -  sisaac@pembinatrails.ca

Here are a few pictures of the new items in the classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour mme Isaac Jaime ta SALLE DE CLASSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JENNA MAC


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