Wednesday 23 September 2015

September update

Hello parents, We are off to a great start in 4 Isaac!  Here is a quick overview of what we have been looking at...

ELA-We have started a novel study on Geronimo Stilton. Every student will be reading a different Geronimo book. Anyone unfamiliar with this series can take a look around this site

FLA- We will be doing a class read aloud of a French version of Geronimo Stilton. This will be accompanied by some work on book characters and plot lines.

Math- We have been getting back into the swing of things with some simple computation and with mathematical patterns. Over the next few weeks we will be practicing and reviewing various addition and subtraction strategies.

Each student took home a math package today. These activities are designed to have the kids practice various mathematical skills. Every Wednesday your child will bring home a new activity. They have until Tuesday of the following week to complete the activity at home. Initally, our goal will be 30 minutes of work per week. This can be done over a series of days, or on a single day. Some of the activities require family participation, which can be an adult or a sibling/cousin/friend. Students practiced the activities at school today, but there may still be a few questions. If there are questions that parents are not sure about, just have the student bring the activity back so that I can clarify with them. Some activities are shorter than others. Some activities can easily be repeated, while others can only be done once. This class is the first group that i've had use these activities, so please be patient with us as we work out any kinks!
I've reminded the kids that the activities should be coming back the following week complete with all of the material that went home and in the same condition it left, but some additional reminding at home would be much appreciated!
I will send home a math activity log for students to fill in each week with a spot for a parents signature.

Social studies/science- Students have been learning the provinces and capital cities the me. They have been exploring different aspects of the Canadian governement with Mme Davis.

Looking ahead
Friday, September 25th - Terry Fox assembly and run. Donations can be brought in Friday.
Wednesday, September 30th - 2 of 3 Cross country meet
Wednesday, October 7th - 3 of 3 Cross country meet

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